Beauty Kit Essential

Scopri il nostro Essential Beauty Kit. Un pacchetto selezionato con cura con LastSwab Beauty, LastRound Original, e una Laundry Bag. Perfetto per la tua routine giornaliera, rendendo il tuo regime di bellezza piĆ¹ sostenibil ed efficiente.
Essential Beauty Kit con LastSwab Beauty, LastRound Original, e una Laundry Bag.
  • blue
  • green
  • black
  • peach
  • turquoise

consegna in 3-6 giorni

Rimuoviamo 1kg di rifiuti di
plastica marina
per ogni ordine

Il problema dei dischi monouso

PerchƩ Comprare un Beauty Kit?

  • Soffici Ma Efficaci

    Senti lo stesso rilassante tocco dei normali dischi di cotone con i nostri LastRound, migliorati quando umidi. Inoltre, LastSwab Beauty permette ritocchi precisi, completando la tua routine di bellezza completa.

  • Preserva le Foreste.

    Scegliere il nostro Beauty Kit aiuta preservare le foreste riducendo la richiesta per i dischi di cotone riutilizzabili, che contribuiscono a deforestazione e distruzione degli habitat.

  • Risparmia Denaro e Goditi la VersatilitĆ 

    Usando LastRound e LastSwab al loro pieno potenziale, potresti salvare oltre 50 EUR rispetto ad acquistare i prodotti di bellezza monouso. Inoltre, con le varie versioni incluse di LastRound, i nostri kit soddisfano tutte le tue necessitĆ  di bellezza, rendedoli una scelta conveniente, versatile, ed eco-compatibile.

  • Prova la Cura Completa della Bellezza

    L'inclusione di LastSwab Beauty nei nostri kit porta il tuo regime di bellezza al prossimo livello, assicurandoti di avere tutti gli strumenti necessari per una routine efficace, ed eco-sostenibile. Con le varie versioni di LastRound progettate per scopi specifici, puoi perfezionare la tua cura della bellezza con i nostri kit.

Facile da Usare e Facile da Pulire

LastSwab Beauty

Progettato per precisi ritocchi e applicazioni di bellezza, questo bastoncino riutilizzabile ĆØ gentile sulla tua pelle e facile da pulire. ƈ un'alternativa eco-sostenibile ai bastoncini usa e getta e una parte cruciale di qualsiasi routine di bellezza.

LastRound Original

Questa alternativa riutilizzabile ai dischi di cotone monouso ĆØ perfetta per applicare i prodotti per la cura della pelle o per rimuovere il trucco. Prodotto in materiale soffice e resistente, ĆØ facile da pulire e riutlizzare.

LastRound Pro

Una variante professionale del nostro disco di cotone, LastRound Pro ĆØ perfetto per rimuovere lo smalto per unghie.

LastRound Large

Questa versione piĆ¹ grande del nostro disco di cotone offre piĆ¹ area superficiale per applicare i prodotti di cura della pelle o per rimuovere il trucco. Soffice e gentile sulla tua pelle, offre una soluzione sostenibile ai dischi di cotone usa e getta.

Laundry Bag

Proteggi i tuoi LastRound durante la pulizia con questa laundry bag. Prodotta in materiale resistente, ĆØ progettata per tenere i tuoi dischi al sicuro mentre stanno venendo lavati, assicurandoti di averli pronti per la tua prossima sessione di bellezza.

Nella Stampa

Leggi le
Entusiastiche Recensioni

"Alternative Carine e incredibilmente sostenibili ai prodotti essenziali per bagno difficili da sostituire."

"Un bastoncino cotonato riutilizzabile per contrastare i miliardi di bastoncini cotonati monouso"

"ƈ buono per tutto dal pulire la matita dagli occhi alla pulizia delle orecchie post-doccia"

Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
Jennifer L.

I love my Last Object items. The beauty pads are sturdy, and wash well. I also like how they come with a holder/dispenser. Lots of space saving!

Elsa P.

Had these in mind to clean off eye makeup but they are not soft enough. I am using the excellent container for traditional cotton wool rounds / good idea but donā€™t like the texture of your rounds on delicate skin

Giulia B.

the pads look like pressed fibre. i washed them and hoped they would become more flexible, but rhey remained stiff and for me unusable. I will sew some new one from a nice fabric to use.

Penelope G.

It works ok, but the rounds shrank in the washer (it says cycle up to 60, thats what I did.) They dont fit in the box anymore. Too small, they fall out the bottom.
After first wash the makeup stains dont rinse off as before.
So all in all it does what it says but theres also room for improvement

Roxanne S.

These were a present for my wife in view of the perceived practicality which we applaud. However they are impractical.
She wears hardly any make-up (particularly in Covid-19 times) and simply wetting and squeezing them out has minimal impact after each use. so it is not practical to put each one in the washing machine after each use and goodness knows how heavy make up users get on.
Maybe there is a solution available to get used rounds clean?

Veronica L.

I found these very difficult to get out of the dispense, probably because they are still new, and the fibres are still very firm, but it was offputting. I don't really know how into these I'll be, but I did like the other products from lastobject, so I'll keep trying with these to see if I learn to love them.

Karin H.

After carefully going over the reviews on Last Round, I have some suggestions for Last Object. If I were to create this product myself, there are a few things I would want for sure. Firstly, Better choices with the container colour availability. In most cases I usually settle with typical black or white only because most available colours are not to my liking in general. Lets just say there is a very good reason most vehicles you see driving on the road are mostly white, gray & black. People like having options, that's important. So when it comes to the actual round itself options would be great, such as what material you would like your round composed of. In terms of usage, you have to ask yourself, what exactly are people doing with these rounds. For example, if I want to remove nail polish, I don't think I would want to use the same round later on my skin. I definitely would want a separate container for my face. I know when I use the typical cotton round, I certainly don't saturate with water before applying my product as that is just plain & simple wasteful. You may want to use a round to absorb excess product on your skin, it needs to be dry first. Now in the case you would want to apply a cleansing product, perhaps you would in fact need a wet round prior to application. After using a water saturated round, I certainly would not want to stuff it somewhere air can't get to it so mold can ensue. I visualized a round with a hole in the center, perhaps a flexible silicone stem that can be inserted through the hole for drying purposes, to hang on a hook, carabiner, bungie etc. and air dry. If I'm using multiple rounds at a time, I would like to have the ones I have freshly washed get adequate air to dry, so having a stem with nips along it's length so the hole in the middle would prevent it from touching the next one beside it. I visualized a candy necklace design with raised bumps (nibs)~spacers) in between each round (they must be flexible). You want to be able to pull the rounds over the silicone stem yet have them not touching each other for drying purposes. You of course would need the stem with the nibs (spacers) on it to attach in a loop configuration (for drying purposes), something that is flexible, yet with a secure clasp that holds together well until you choose to put it away after using. I definitely would want my rounds stored in a container that closes completely to protect from dust and debris, the current open design is not optimal in its current design. I can visualize in my head what this could look like. Anyhow take these suggestions and sift it for its gold, I would love to see what you come up with. BTW Dark purple/black is my favourite colour~ wink wink.

Rosa P.
Missing item

I have done a order from here and they didn't put the beauty swab. I have tried to contact them since I received the parcel but no one replied. It has been almost 10 days now and it's quite frustrating. I have paid for it and I would like to receive or at least to get a refund.