LastObject News

Introducing LastMask x Spray!

Just the other day we released an article talking about the environmental footprint of single use masks. Because while this pandemic has shown just how much we can reduce air pollution so quickly, it has also posed new challenges, such as single use waste. And masks plus sanitizer bottles being one item that has especially become more prevalent since the pandemic has started.

But luckily, we have a solution!

introducing LastMask X Spray

Introducing, LastMask x Spray.

This new product was released on Indiegogo and was fully funded rather quickly. Check out that campaign here!

Also here's a great video on it!

Okay, so we can probably assume that LastMask x Spray has something to do with a face mask and...some sort of spray, haha! But dang, at first glance this thing looks kind of crazy right!?

So, let’s break it down.

There are three parts to LastMask x Spray:

LastMask x Spray

The mask

The mask is made with three layers according to WHO guidelines:

  • The inner layer (the one touching your skin) is made of organic cotton.
  • The outer layer is a blended non-absorbent material.
  • And sandwiched in between is a non woven SS fabric. 

The mask can be washed by hand or in a machine over 500 times at 140 degrees fahrenheit or 60 degrees celsius.

The sanitizing spray bottle

With two different types of plastic used for the spray bottle, both are BPA free.

The bottle does not come with spray in it, since everyone has their own preferences and needs with sanitizers. But any liquid based spray will work. Gels will be too thick to use. 

The bottle is also dishwasher safe!

The travel case

Just like LastTissue’s carrying case, LastMask x Spray uses a food grade, BPA-free silicone case. Which means it’s durable, safe, and easy to clean. 

It’s also dishwasher safe!

Like all other LastObject products, we were able to condense everything into an easy and on the go case that allows for our products to keep up with your busy lives.

No more rummaging through your bag to find some dirty single use mask tangled up with all your other stuff. Now you can have sanitizer and a mask all in one place. And it’s way less likely to get lost because of the tidy silicone case.

Plus, as long as you keep the case clean, the mask will also stay much cleaner as opposed to being loose in your pocket or bag. 

Help the planet

help the planet


With the BBC reporting 4.2 billion masks being used every single day, that equates to around 200 masks used by every single person per year.

Not only are single use masks winding up in the environment, overflowing our trash cans, and even in the road and on sidewalks...they also require resources and produce air pollution in order to manufacture.

Protect the planet from further pollution while maintaining the protocols that are in effect. Win win!

And your wallet!

and your wallet

Environment aside, reusability just makes money sense! In the long run we can actually save money by switching to a reusable mask and a refillable sanitizer spray.

And even though single use masks are pretty cheap, or sometimes even free from certain businesses, that cost adds up. Plus, the true cost is not on companies manufacturing them, but instead the true cost is on the environment in the form of cheap resource extraction and relaxed air/water/land pollution standards.

We aren’t paying the true cost of these products, and a way to prevent this cost to buy reusable and responsibly made. 

reusable mask and xspray

These have been difficult times with all that has been going on. And in difficult times, it’s even more difficult to maintain new practices that we aren’t quite used to. Zero waste being one of them.

We’ve seen that this is the case when we have new everyday products come into our lives, such as masks and sanitizers.

But there is a way to stay clean and protect others all while helping the planet, and it starts with being more intentional about our products. If LastMask x Spray is right for you, then it can be a great way to do just that. 

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  • LastSwab Original

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  • LastRound Original

    Reusable rounds made of a shape-shifting fabric that feels just like regular cotton rounds when wet.

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  • LastTissue Pack

    The best of both worlds: on-the-go availability of a tissue pack and the eco-friendly handkerchief.

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  • LastPad Large

    A bloody awsome menstrual pad that actually feels good to wear and doesn’t hurt the planet.

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