Going Zero Waste

Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Incorporate The Three R’s in your daily life to make the world a better place

 Every year, people dump billions of drinking cans, metal, plastic jars, and glass bottles. Over 30% of the waste is packaging material. About 85% of garbage is either sent to a landfill or dump where it takes more than 100 years to decompose. Because of this we need to take action now and use principles like the Waste Hierarchy.


85% of garbage is either sent to a landfill or dump where it takes more than 100 years to decompose.


What is Waste Hierarchy?

Waste hierarchy refers to the action taken to reduce the waste generated and to enhance overall waste management processes. It consists of 3 R’s i.e., Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. These three R’s are great ways to eliminate waste and protect the environment. Let’s find out how these three R’s can help you be more environmentally friendly.


waste hierarchy



The first ‘R’s is to create less waste by reducing your consumption or purchasing less. Here are a few ways to do so.

  • Choose products with no or less packaging
  • Turn off lights when not in use
  • Look for products that you can re-use
  • Use electronic mails rather than using paper

When you reduce the amount of waste, it will automatically provide ample benefits to the environment.


flowers on the wall


The second ‘R’ refers to the items that you can use again or multiple times. For instance:

  • Re-usable cotton swabs from Lastswab 
  • Glass jars, containers or cans
  • Clothes, towels and more.
plastic bottles



Last, but not least. Recycling is a great way to re-use materials like glass, aluminum, and plastic in a new form. To implement this third principle, you need to:

  • Buy products that can be recycled
  • Create new and useful products from used milk cartons, soda cans, paper bags, etc.


These 3 R’s can help in minimizing the amount of waste generated.


These 3 R’s can help in minimizing the amount of waste generated. By incorporating these three R’s in your daily life, you are not only making the environment clean for yourself but also for your coming generations.


Shop LastObject Products

  • LastSwab Original

    The original reusable and sustainable alternative to cotton swabs. Easy to use and easy to clean.

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  • LastRound Original

    Reusable rounds made of a shape-shifting fabric that feels just like regular cotton rounds when wet.

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  • LastTissue Pack

    The best of both worlds: on-the-go availability of a tissue pack and the eco-friendly handkerchief.

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  • LastPad Large

    A bloody awsome menstrual pad that actually feels good to wear and doesn’t hurt the planet.

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Shop LastObject Products

  • LastSwab Original

    The original reusable and sustainable alternative to cotton swabs. Easy to use and easy to clean.

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  • LastRound Original

    Reusable rounds made of a shape-shifting fabric that feels just like regular cotton rounds when wet.

    Shop Now
  • LastTissue Pack

    The best of both worlds: on-the-go availability of a tissue pack and the eco-friendly handkerchief.

    Shop Now
  • LastPad Large

    A bloody awsome menstrual pad that actually feels good to wear and doesn’t hurt the planet.

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